Nietzsche, Rembrandt, and How to Find your True Self

Rembrandt van Rijn, Self Portrait

Nietzsche says somewhere (paraphrasing from my notes because I lost my copy of the Portable Nietzsche): Seek out what you love and admire in your self-chosen educators – that is who you are, your true self.

“What have you really loved till now?”

In Nietzsche’s philosophy I admire the affirmation of life, not with Stoic resolve, but with joy and laughter.

I want to extend this concept and apply it to my own area of the visual arts:

One of my beacons in the visual arts is Rembrandt van Rijn not only for the depth of space he creates through technique, but also for the the psychological depth displayed within his work.

Depth is my current mantra for my life; when I become overwhelmed, flustered, I go deeper and seek the calm beneath the surface, beneath the torrents and tempests of daily life; I have a feeling that is where insight may be found.

If nothing else, I am entranced by the beautiful mystery.

[Originally posted as comment in response to Ms. Brook's post